Congratulations! You're dead and stuck in limbo. To become an angel or demon in the afterlife, you must defeat and capture creatures you've created with your actions both good and bad in the human realm. Do you think you're up to the task? Let the battle begin!


You're in the human realm and strange things start to happen. Voices scream in your head, your grip on sanity loosens and you start having hallucinations. Breaths get shorter as memories of your past come flooding back faster and faster. Every evil thing you’ve ever done is coming front and center.
Soon black liquid starts to creep its way through every crevasse of your house. Eventually taking over your entire property, mind, body, and existence, Before you know it BAM! You’re fucking DEAD, and you sure as hell didn’t go to heaven.
Now you have to fight 6 monsters to become an angel or demon in the afterlife. Awakened in limbo and completely unprepared for this event, all the awful things you have whipped and spun into form a horrific shapeshifting monster catered specifically to you.
If you were a good person there would only be a drop of black sludge. Something easy to defeat that you could stomp out like a cigarette, but unfortunately for you thats not the case.
This monster gains power for every horrible thing you did on earth in the form of more and more black sludge growing in size with every misdeed. He's huge, there is nothing as far as the eye can see but an ocean of black. How MANY horibble things did you do to deserve this?
Suddenly thick red smoke surrounds your entire being, a figure emerges from the shadows. ITS THE GOAT!!! Not just any goat! The greatest of all time! All of your narcissism, lust, vanity, delusions of self grandeur and more wrapped up into one supreme being, but never fear! You created this monster with your actions. You’re a good person right?! How strong can this beast truly be? I guess we’ll find out seeing as you’re the one that has to take him down, or you could always let him use your body as a puppet for the rest of eternity.

What is your dream? Did you follow it to its fullest extent? Or did you give up on that dream for something more comfortable? How many times have you let a great idea fade? Ideas are the catalyst for change in the human realm. Both positive and negative. How many you implement successfully will determine your fate both in and out of purgatory. Every idea you’ve ever had has been the work of a supernatural being reaching out and trying to help you escape the daily misery that is your life. Who is the one creating these visions?! None other than a terrifying beast known only as the SQUID!!! However, he’s not giving you these ideas out of the kindness of his heart. He’s a gambling mollusk! Wagering that you don’t have the passion, hard work, and determination to see these visions through to the end. When you give up and fail, what does he get in return? Strength! Every time you let an idea die this creature gains another arm. You could’ve been a legend, changing the world and peoples lives for the better while following your dreams to the path of enlightenment! Instead you sat on the couch stuffing your face, watching tv, and chasing shallow relationships to numb the pain. Procrastinators beware! Unfortunately you can’t put off getting your throat ripped out til tomorrow. Welcome to the second level of purgatory!!!

Congratulations! You’re dead and stuck in limbo! You must defeat and capture mythical creatures created by the evil you did in the human realm to become an angel or demon in the afterlife. Now let's propose a question. What is your problem? How are you going to solve it? Problems in our lives seem like these massive mountains we stand up against feeling so small in comparison. Whats the best way to solve these complex problems?? Breaking them down, step by step one by one. Typically one big problem is really a bunch of small ones in disguise. Picture your problem as a ball of wires tangled. How would you go about getting them untangled? If you grab both ends and rip at them wildly, nothing will ever get accomplished. However if you grab each wire and carefully follow it back to where it leads (aka the root of the problem) suddenly solving this complex mess becomes much easier. Tangled in the arms of the squid you’ve found yourself in a pretty big problem. Who can possibly save you from the clutches of the second level of purgatory. The crow of course! The only creature with the ability to cut through the squids arms and set you free. Out of the sky come soaring one crow for every small effort you put into place within the human realm to solve your problems on earth. Cutting through each tentacle, murders of crows soar through the sky and morph together into one massive being. Towering over you stands the biggest entity you’ve ever seen in your life. How many will come to your rescue? It’s time to find out! You can’t fight against this creature. Only work together with it.

Have you ever seen a unicorn? Everyone knows unicorns can’t feel human emotions and that’s what makes them so fascinating. Some call a lack of emotion sociopathic or even narcissistic, but when framed through the eyes of fantasy the ability to not feel human emotions becomes almost…magical.
People in life can present themselves as these “things” these “unicorns” and its our job to be able to identify them. A unicorn should ALWAYS be viewed but never captured as it is as painful for the capture as the captive.
Why should we view them if they’re not good for us? For the same reason we should watch disturbing films, to study them and gain perspective. Sometimes we need to understand the stove to see we are the proverbial frog being boiled. It's better to be a fish that knows the hook than a hook that knows the fish. Relating these disturbing elements back to our real lives can sometimes uncover things we were thought previously were incidental or even positive may indeed be more terrifying than we could ever imagine and take on a whole different meaning.
Ignorance is not bliss. If we completely stay away from the unicorns in our lives a number of things can end up happening. See when we don’t really know someone, you can end up creating a fake version of them in your head to cope.
Going through life that way, you don’t really ever get to know anyone at all.
When you’re too trepidatious and afraid to jump in the metaphorical pool of life and be truly vulnerable with people without letting let the snake come out of them, you may be lying with a serpent for years or even decades before you realize you’re in its vice grip.
Going through life that way, you don’t really ever get to know anyone until it’s too late.
People can SEEM perfect but whether or not you truly ARE perfect for EACH OTHER is what’s beyond illusion.
Often times the answer is no and that’s okay.
How uncomforting life would be if you tried to KEEP a unicorn forever. Eventually human emotion takes over. The facade will decay.
Unicorns are shapeshifters, they carry the ability to be anything and everything. They are formless, shapeless, like liquid they fill the mold of whatever they need be. Thunderous booms can be heard as rainbow colored fluorescent blood that glitters and lights up its path rages through this place littered with scattered screams in the night. The animals here do not sleep. Caught in between a war raging on for centuries between the only magical creatures with this power.
A pity this is how they choose to use it.
Two beings known respectively as the goat and the unicorn. These names strike fear into everyone around them and are hardly ever spoken out loud. The victims of this war torn of place only able to make horn gestures on their head and point their claws in the air mimicking the silhouette of the ones who have destroyed this once great land.
Each individually strikes fear in the heart of every being but when talked about in conjunction could certainly cause catastrophe on the the mere possibility of another major collision.
The creatures of this world have been trapped in between this battle (mostly about who’s the victim in their complex situation) for as long as they can remember.
A unicorn that learns to feel human emotion is a unicorn no more just as a human who unlearns emotions is a human no more .
Once upon a time the goat and the unicorn used to like each other, a lot in fact. Ironically what made the unicorn so magical in the first place to the goat is what caused him to eventually resent her. the unicorns fundamental lack of emotion that makes it so magical eventually wore on the goat.
A battle ensued and the goat turned her into a human for the rest of eternity believing it was the just, moral and right thing to do. Oh how very wrong he was, the unicorn shrieked in horror as she looked down at what was now hands and feet where hooves once were. Overtime unicorn grew to know many human emotions, but important she learned fear, anger and most importantly revenge. One day she decided to make the goat know these things as she had known grown to know them.
The goat feels everything
The unicorn feels nothing
They made each other experience each others view
Through the goats perspective, the unicorn is the villain of this story
Through the unicorns perspective, the goat is the villain of this story
Both are correct and neither is correct
How wonderful it would be to truly be numb to worldly emotion
Simultaneously how wonderful it would be to feel it all
How horrible it would be for each to be ripped out of their individual elements into a world of uncomfort and learning
How horrible it would be for them to try and meet in the middle
or so they think
The battle was long and fierce, lasting days. Both exhausted the Unicorn finally came upon an idea. her eyes widened and she threw down her hands. Slowly she walked toward the goat in her human form. They looked at each other deeply for a moment, reminiscing on days past. She wrapped her arms around him as the creatures of the night looked in amazement. For a moment everything stopped, there was peace. The goat looked into the unicorns eyes for the first time in a long time and instead of unicorn eyes, he saw his own reflection.
At that moment he knew his fate. With one giant motion those same arms that held the goat in embrace turned to claws and ripped inward and then outward. The unicorn shredded the goat to pieces in front of the crowd of animals gathered in suspense. Victorious and satisfied the Unicorn set off into the forest relishing in her newfound victory.
It was finally over, or so she thought. There was a catch. When the Unicorn looked went to drink from the lake, she saw her reflection for the first time since her victory. Still in her human form, no different than how the goat left her and now she too is left searching for that same unicorn they both loved in the first place.
The end...Or is it?


The almighty 6th Creature is none other than yourself. It is you who stands in front of you at the end of the first trial in this epic quest. The game has been real the entire time, yes you're living this story in real time right now!
When stare into your own eyes in the mirror
If you have not been a narcissist (GOAT)
Not been lazy and followed your dreams (SQUID)
Used complex problem solving skills to tackle hard tasks (CROW)
Been a good friend (CREATURE #4: TBA)
Not chased after crazy toxic romantic partners (UNICORN)
Chances are when you stare yourself in the eyes your life is good AKA angel ending
If you didn't do these things chances are your life is bad AKA demon ending
If there is an afterlife at the end of all this. Thats awesome and an added bonus, but for now all we know for sure that we have in this world is whats here and now.
The good and bad news is its never to late to change your fate
The good ending is a choice we make every day to do the right things even when the chips are down
A good ending can turn bad as quickly as a bad ending can turn good
It's all about compounding interest
If enough rain drops fall in a bucket eventually the bucket is full even though one rain drop may seem insignificant
I don't claim to know everything, in fact I'd be fast to claim I don't know ANYTHING
But what I do know I've compiled into these albums for you to hopefully help you learn something from my experiences
Remember every day when you wake up and look in the mirror that YOU are the final boss in this game
You can do anything you want to do based solely on that fact alone!
Take a piece of paper and write out your dream life and make steps every day to achieve that
And don't be afraid to do hard things to get there!
Remember when you're doing something hard that you're never alone because somewhere out there I'm doing something hard also!
Now get out there angels and demons!
Show the world what the final boss is made of!!!